Kodex of our community

For foreigners in Czech Republic who want to draw benefits of unique StreetGame.cz community (most effective technology for seducing middle european women, hundreds of active wingmans...) too.
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Příspěvky: 5918
Registrován: 19 srp 2015, 20:05
Bydliště: Praha, ale na kurzy po celé Evropě
Udělil poděkování: 600 x
Obdržel poděkování: 2688 x

Kodex of our community

Příspěvek od Princ »

We are the most active and also the most friendly community you can find. Our core values are action, innovation and doing good. That's because we all follow these simple rules.

There are real people behind streetgame.cz and most of us know each other. We regularly meet ourselves on courses. Respect our friends. We will accept anyone, who is willing to work on himself actively.

Please follow these guidelines when writing your posts:

- just decent, friendly posts
- Name your questions in a meaningful way, e.g. "How to reach a girl who is calling" and not "PLEASE HELP!!!"
- Respect privacy and anonymity of other members
- Everyone can have only one account
- Never use temporary mailboxes when setting up your account
- posts, news, user accounts and all other data become the exclusive property of the forum
- no links to other websites
- do not try to speed up the answer to your question by sending it over multiple social media (e.g. e-mail + facebook + forum) - whenever possible, choose the forum
- We (streetgame.cz) are not responsible for the problems caused by forum activities
- The streetgame.cz Terms of Service also apply to the forum
- rules can be changed at any time without warning or noticing
- ignorance of the codex does not excuse you


How about private messages?

- Ask as much as possible - it's better to ask a lot than just do something wrong
- For questions about seduction always create a new topic because if you messaged me privately then other members would have nothing from it
- private messages and events section will open for you as early as you have more than five post on the forum
- administrators have access to all messages and the rules apply to those messages as well

Why are some users gold?

They came to our seduction course and got autorised there. The authorized are existing, trusted and experienced members, the elders of the forum, marked by gold color. The authorized can use some extra features as changing your nick or editing sent messages. They also have larger message box. The group does not accept blank profiles.
Tito uživatelé poděkovali autorovi Princ za příspěvek:
rengaf (28 srp 2021, 17:36)
Hodnocení: 2.9%
Celý recept na úspěch:
1) Každý den cvičit Autentické charisma (7 minut ráno, 7 večer)
2) Každý den oslovit pár holek (kdo se bojí, dá kurz)
3) Tak ob den posilovna